Celebrity trainer Isaac Boots. (Courtesy Photo)

Celebrity Trainer Isaac Boots Shares Five Fitness Tips for a Healthy Summer

Isaac Boots, renowned fitness guru, is coming back to our Summer of Wellness series with his iconic Torch’d workout. But if you can’t wait, here are five fitness tips you can start now.

1. Move Everyday
Even if it is for ten minutes, because it is more than zero and it is the best place to start if you’re on a movement journey.

2. Do Planks
They are extremely important and engage all your muscles while helping strengthen your core and glutes.

3. Work Out With a Friend
Having a buddy to hold you accountable helps ensure you stay active.

4. Gift a Subscription Service
Join my subscription on Instagram (@isaacboots) for $9.99 a month and you can encourage someone to join an incredible community and get fit!

5. Listen to Your Body
You may have days where you’re tired, you have muscle soreness or a sweet craving. Be thoughtful about the choices you make on these days and remember, you’re human.

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