Auctioneer and best-selling author, Lydia Fenet. (Photo: Sean Zanni/PMC)

Meet Lydia Fenet: Has Gavel will Travel

Widely recognized for her poise and power onstage, over the past two decades auctioneer Lydia Fenet has single handedly raised over one billion dollars for more than 800 organizations. Last year, she took center stage during the Southampton Hospital Foundation’s 65th Annual Summer Party, raising vital funds for Stony Brook Southampton Hospital. She will once again join us at the 66th Annual Summer Party on Saturday, August 3, 2024.

We caught up with Lydia to learn more about her passion for auctioneering, the Summer Party, and how to command a room.

What drew you to auctioneering?

LF: I was a junior in college studying abroad at Oxford, and I came across an article about Princess Diana’s dresses being sold at Christie’s Auction House. I was immediately drawn in and applied for an internship at Christie’s.

You have single-handedly raised over one billion dollars for more than 800 organizations. What does it take to command a room, and how do you keep it engaging for the audience?

LF: I always make sure I bring the energy I want from the room. If I get onstage with low energy, the audience will match that. Regardless of how I’m feeling or how the day went leading up to that moment, once I stand on stage, I throw my shoulders back, put a huge smile on my face, and make the audience feel my excitement for being there. They always respond with the same enthusiasm and energy. The gavel is also a secret tool of mine. I talk about the “Strike Method” in my book, The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You. It’s my go-to whenever I feel like I’m losing an audience and want to reel them back in.

What is your most memorable moment onstage?

LF: I have so many memorable moments, but a highlight for me most recently was being on stage at the Elton John Foundation. I was auctioning off a piano, and Sir Elton John himself got on stage and started playing “Bennie and the Jets” while I started the bidding. I ended up auctioning it off far above the expected price, and then Elton looked into my eyes and started playing “Your Song.” The entire night was surreal and something I’ll always remember.

In your latest book, Claim Your Confidence, you offer guidance for those aiming to develop unwavering self-assurance. What advice would you offer to those looking to build their confidence?

LF: The three biggest tips I always give when first starting to build confidence are: 1. Get out of your comfort zone. Take risks and start experimenting with things you wouldn’t typically do. Once you come out the other side, you’ll be proud and amazed at what you accomplished. 2. Travel more. It’s so important to surround yourself with new people and cultures that challenge the way you think. Understanding multiple points of view will give you the confidence to speak up in more conversations. And 3. Surround yourself with the best kind of people who will lift you up instead of tear you down.

Last year was your first Southampton Hospital Foundation Summer Party. What stood out about the event, and what are you looking forward to the most about the 66th Annual Summer Party?

LF: The event last year was incredible. The Colony takeover of the event provided a stunning backdrop from the minute guests arrived; no event detail was overlooked. From the speeches at the event to the Broadway singer, the event was designed to bring in the most important details about the work of the hospital while showing guests a wonderful night in the Hamptons. And, of course, the crowd was absolutely incredible during the auction! I am looking forward to joining again this year, and helping raise critical funds for the hospital!

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